5 Insights on Lunar Tracking

Recently, we had the pleasure of hosting April Miller McMurtry for a workshop on lunar tracking and how to use the The Moon is My Calendar journal. In addition to the context she shared around her journey into lunar tracking, she left us with some valuable tips and insights on how lunar tracking can impact our daily lives.

April’s relationship with the moon began out of practicality and in observation of her father’s gardening practice. She witnessed the cycles of nature through his work with plants and found beauty in each part of the cycle. This inspired April to take a closer look at her own cycles throughout life and how they aligned with the moon’s cyclical nature.

Lunar tracking is a practice of cultivating cyclical awareness with the moon in order to be more in-season with ourselves and the world around us.

Over the years, April has gathered testimonials from people she’s worked with about how lunar tracking impacted their lives:

Tracking my moods and cycle have been life changing. It has allowed me to see and tune into my feelings and when I need some extra self care and love.

Here are five key insights we learned from April:

  1. Working with lunar cycles can help us become more responsive to change (starting with just noticing) and build agility in transitioning from one phase to the next.

  2. Building alignment with the moon and nature requires slowing down, a radical act in a society that pushes us to be productive all the time. That’s definitely easier said than done, but starting small, sitting outside in the moonlight, and taking quick notes might do the trick.

  3. While The Moon is My Calendar aids us in daily tracking, building awareness and alignment with the moon looks different for everyone. This practice can be a daily activity for some and is retrospective for others. Those who have been able to track over the years can even pull insights and patterns over extended periods of time.

  4. Learning more about your natal chart and the lunar phase you were born under is one of the most impactful things you can do when working with the moon. Building rituals around, collecting lunar water under, and tuning into your birth phase might even be more impactful than doing so under new or full moons.

  5. Becoming attuned to lunar cycles involves creativity, play, exploration, and taking note of small and large things you notice within you and around you. This can happen in a notebook or a piece of paper, but The Moon is My Calendar provides some guides in intention-setting, drawing mandalas, and note-taking.

Here are some additional resources we’ve been referencing for lunar tracking:

For more information about April and The Moon is My Calendar, visit her website or follow her on Instagram.


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