Full Moon in Scorpio

Astrological Overview

The full moon phase begins tonight, Monday, 4/22, and continues through Wednesday, 4/24, when it will reach its peak in the sign of Scorpio. Scorpio is the sign of transformation. It is represented as the death card in tarot and as such encourages us to fully surrender to the cyclical processes of life. Who you are today, right now in this moment, is not who you were even yesterday and Scorpio’s stinger will strike if you try to cling too tightly to outdated notions of Self. It is a sign ruled by Mars yet its watery depths translate as one who takes action based on how it feels. Emotions may be particularly heightened now as Scorpio is unafraid to go deep and confront its shadow. The scorpion pierces through any defenses we may have and beckons us to confront any wounds we may have ignored and allowed to fester in our attempt to control our path and conform to external ideals of Self. This is the time for deep reflection, honest conversations, and meaningful activities that bring us back to center.

The sacred dance between the Sun and Moon

As the moon reflects the light of the sun, every lunar position in the zodiac is juxtaposed against the sun’s placement. We entered Taurus season on 4/19 and Taurus sits in opposition to Scorpio on the zodiac wheel. Both Taurus and Scorpio ask us to be here now. Taurus, ruled by Venus, beckons us to ground into the physical. She longs for connection to Mother Nature and uses physical senses to seek pleasure, asking us to hold our attention on the physical aspects of the present moment. Whereas Scorpio invites us to connect to our inner realm. It asks us how we’re feeling and seeks to be fully present with those emotions. In their beautiful dance both energy ask us to be present and translate how we’re feeling to enact positive change in our present environment.

Moon/Sun Square Pluto

The moon and sun form a square with Pluto in Aquarius. Squares present tension and assist with breakthrough where needed. Pluto in Aquarius looks at the big picture of how we can step onto our highest possible path. This full moon gives us the opportunity to transform our pain into something productive. Our triggers hide our shadows. For example, if we feel an emotional rise when someone appears as overly bubbly, that may be an indication that we have not allowed ourselves to truly lean into our joy. This can also be true of someone’s anger triggers us. Have we been limiting our anger in some regard? As this full moon squares Pluto, Scorpios energy will help us dig deep and address where healing may be needed and transform the areas where pain is limiting your highest expression of Self.

Jupiter / Uranus conjunction

This beautiful pink moon also coincides with a conjunction between Jupiter and Uranus. This aspect presents sudden, unanticipated change. Jupiter is the planet of expansion and Uranus is the change maker, the rebel of the zodiac. Expect things to get unpredictable. With our moon in Scorpio, we’re invited to break through our resistance to change. If you have any uncomfortable feelings around where you intuitively feel expansion is needed, dig deeper. Are these feelings rooted in your comfort zone? How might you feel secure as you transition to what your soul longs to express at this time? This conjunction gifts us the opportunity for abundance. Not just material, but also emotional and relational abundance. What does love look like to you? How will it show up in your life? Taurus can answer this question from a physical perspective, Scorpio shows up to tell us how that would feel, and this conjunction is a gift to shake things up, so we can step into that vision from a fully embodied place.

Poetry That Moves Us

We chose the poems below for their resonance with this moon in Scorpio. May you find inspiration from them as you reflect during this lunar cycle.

Selected Poems from “Soft Thorns” by Bridgett Devoue


I wish we lived in a world

where it was safe to keep

our hearts unlocked

i always scared

everyone away

i wanted too much

they’d say

because if they wanted

to come inside of me

then i needed to know

what was inside of them

but whenever

i was allowed in

i found a maze

of stone walls

and barbed wire

lost inside the soul

of the wrong one

hopeless romantic

they’d say

and hopeless

i was quickly


if you’re not going

to swim deep with me

then get out of my waters


my baggage

you cannot carry

you can see the war

waging inside of me

you know how much

i want to tell you everything

to let the truth

spill from my lips

in a genuine display

of vulnerability

but even with

your caring eyes

and familiar soul

i’m scared because

i’ve never done this



We handpick suggested books for your growth and practice every new moon. You can find all of these books right here at Sagrada. But no matter where you get them, please shop small and support your local independent booksellers:

  • Untangle Your Emotions: Naming What You Feel and Knowing What to Do About It by Jennie Allen

  • Seek: How Curiosity Can Transform Your Life and Change the World by Scott Shigeoka

  • The New Saints: From Broken Hearts to Spiritual Warriors by Lama Rod Owens


Suncatcher History & Significance