All will come again into its strength


All will come again into its strength:
the fields undivided, the waters undammed,
the trees towering and the walls built low.

And in the valleys, people as strong and varied as the land.

And no churches
where God is imprisoned and lamented
like a trapped and wounded animal.

The houses welcoming all who knock
and a sense of boundless offering in all relations,
and in you and me.

No yearning for an afterlife,
no looking beyond,
no belittling of death,
but only longing for what belongs to us
and serving earth,
lest we remain unused.

-- Rainer Maria Rilke
from Rilke’s Book of Hours: Love Poems to God
translated by Oakland writers Anita Barrows and Joanna Macy


We're delighted to welcome Soul of Abebe

Black Woman-Owned, Handmade Soy Manifestation Candles by Gabby Abebe

"I hand pour small batches in my home in northern California. Each scent is named after the intention I set when pouring and the qualities of the oil, herbs and flowers."


Centering in Chaotic Times: Abba-Imma Qigong
Embodied Prayer Workshop (on Zoom) with Kaleo and Elise Ching
March 19 & 26, April 2 & 9 1:00 to 2:30 pm

Kumu Kaleo Ching and Elise Ching teach Qigong, inner journeying, and art – ancient shamanic processes, that bridge the realms of body, mind, and spirit. They have taught this process nationally and internationally, including at John F. Kennedy University (25 years), University of Creation Spirituality, and various other venues. Kaleo also taught in the Jail Psychiatric Unit for Haight Ashbury Free Clinic. (click title above for more info)


How Many More?


Turn a new leaf! Shop Sagrada by the color GREEN