Sagrada Color Wheel


Color Has Meaning

Can you feel it? Color sends a message, whether conscious or unconscious. It affects our perception, our mind and body. Color has energy, meaning, and inherent wisdom.

At Sagrada we love playing with color!

We're launching our "color wheel" to give you a taste of walking into the shop, that you may savor the beauty and the serenity inside.


Purple is Rising!

A color of royalty, leadership, dignity, creativity, and liberation. Purple is associated spirituality, the sacred, the higher self, passion, the third eye, fulfillment, and vitality. Purple helps align oneself with the whole of the universe. It is a harmonizing color, a balancing of blue and red. Our first offering will be the color purple.

Other colors coming soon. Enjoy!


St. Brigit, Feast of Imbolc


A Seed is Alive